Monday, January 31, 2011

Today was one of those days. I thought I had it all planned out. god had a different plan in mind. Liam is so active the minute I turn my head he is making another mess for me to clean. Sawyer helps out with that too. It is crazy at how many times he threw up today. three time all before twelve. Daddy made him cry all three time. Lucky me I got to clean it up. I had laundry to catch up on. It was all folded in my room. I had to go to the kitchen and out comes Liam with the laundry basket empty. Great get to fold it all over again. And Norm wonders why I don't get everything done in a day. Later on Liam got a hold of a penny, put it in his mouth started choking. I thought I was going to have to do the Heimlich. Thank goodness I didn't, but he did swallow it. Then he tried to throw up the penny but just got most of his dinner. So now I must collect his poop and look for it. Hope I see it soon. Oh and Sawyer hit a milestone walked three steps by himself.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I cherish the few moments in the morning before the house gets busy and I can sip my coffee and wake up. I already have a mess to clean. I gave Sawyer banana's this morning which he really enjoys. The bananas are not fun to clean. There like big boogers. Liam did really well with his bowl of cereal this morning. He got all the cereal and milk in his mouth. I walk out of the room for less then one minute to clean Sawyer. I came back in the dinning room and Liam had taken the box of cereal and poured the rest of it in his bowl. Huge pile that went all over.

Now the second round of feeding is done. Pizza with butternut squash. They both just ate it up. Now I am done cleaning it up. Thought I would go get the mail while Sawyer takes his nap. I slipped on an icy patch of snow. I went sliding down, sunglasses flew off my face and I am thinking, I hope no one is seeing this right now. I got up and just laughed.

Third round eating and clean up done.The boys watched TV as I started to feed the dogs. I went to let Karl the dog out and he had had diarrhea all over the carpet in the basement. Liam came down and almost threw up. I hope when he goes to school he's not the kid that pukes easy.

Sawyer reached another milestone. He is walking holding on to furniture. It is amazing how fast they master something. Liam is mastering talking better and better. he just said a new word tonight. Baseball he has been saying it over and over again.
I had to run some errands this morning. Norm had Liam at the bowling center so I could easily go with one child instead of two. When I was done I went to the bowling center and had lunch with the kids. I enjoy eating there cause I don't have to mess my kitchen up. Liam did have to go potty, which can be a challenge when no one can help me out. I can't just leave Sawyer at the table by himself so this time I just drug the highchair in there with me and Liam went. When I got home both were sleeping. Carrying them inside would be a challenge with the snow that was not all cleared on my walkway. I got Liam out first made it through the snow but goodness he is getting heavy and I lost my footing up the steps and fell. I cushioned his fall and hit my knees. My knees were throbbing. I am OK now. I made it up no problem with Sawyer. Thank goodness.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yesterday I decided I didn't want to be mommy. I wanted to be daddy. I wanted to lay on the couch. I wanted to have my meals prepared for me. I wanted to just play with the kids and not have to do anything else. I was in one of those moods. No matter how often I do the dishes or laundry. There are always more to do it never ends. I am always cleaning something or someone. This part of having kids I didn't know.I new it would be a little messy, but not as messy as it really is. Oh, and if you want to get your kids to play with there toys just pick up there room and they instist on touching every toy they own and putting them back on the floor. It also never ceases to amaze me how fast kids are. They can get into stuff so fast right under my nose. Well, time to hang out with the kids and play. Liam is cute when he wants to put on his bakers outfit and makes me cakes and cookies.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Norm was nice enough to let me sleep an extra half hour. He took Sawyer and let him crawl around with him and Liam. I was then awakened by Norm saying when was the last time Sawyer S%$@ cause it's all over. Must of been the califlower. Well, rest time is officially over. Norm can't handle messy tasks like that.

I am happy to report that the brownies we made last night with carrots and spinach were good. I am excited to make food with good stuff in it. Liam is eating his eggs with cauliflower right now. He doesn't even know.
Last night was a really good night. After getting done what I wanted for the night I just played with the kids and watched them play. It gives me such joy in my heart to see them play together. It is not often , since Liam doesn't really like to share yet. He cries when Sawyer has something that Liam wants. Liam will get himself so upset that he throws up. Something I am used too since he's been doing it since he was baby. At least now he runs over to the trash and tries to get it all in there.
Last night Sawyer reached a milestone and my mom and I were skyping so she got to see also. Sawyer crawled on his knees for the first time. I love being able to see there firsts. He will be walking soon and I just think wow where did my baby go. He is getting big to fast.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's only 6 and I feel like it is later. I've been on the go since I got up. When I got home both kids took a nice long nap together. I was able to start on a pot of soup and some steamed veggies for purees for Liam and Sawyers food. I will hide it in there food and hopefully they won't know. Liam is eating the mac n cheese with cauliflower and butternut squash right now. I just asked him if he likes it and he said " yes mama" . That's cool. I gave Sawyer a bath after he ate he got his stuff all over his face. The dog got the floor for me. Now hopefully Sawyer will take a nap again and Liam and I will make some brownies with carrots and spinach. Can't wait to see how they taste. First things first I must clean up the carrot puree off the floor. Liam just couldn't resit touching it. Then maybe we can begin.
Norm wanted to meet for lunch. He said he would be there in 15 min. So out the door I went. Leaving what looks like a tornado went through my house behind. i will just clean it when I get home. Got the kids in the. Got ready to get in the drivers seat and realized that I was still wearing my slippers. Lunch went well today. After lunch time we go to the store. Depending on what I need to get dictates were my kids will sit, not much Sawyer in his carrier and in the basket, Liam in the front. A lot of stuff, Liam sits in the basket and I pile it all on him. He likes to open and eat things. He is getting funner to be out with. He says more now and it cracks me up. He is my sweet little buddy so is Sawyer. Bringing in bags and two sleeping kids gives me my workout for the day.
Last night was typical. Liam in the middle. Sawyer in his bed till he got up at around 12 then 2 then 4 then 630 then up for good at 7 15. Oh and Liam needed my help to pull his pull up down to go pee pee at 3 30. I never drank coffee till I had kids. I am happy to report that my wet changer is now all dry and working. Hooray I can stay in bed and turn it off. Well the day has started. What is in store for the day. Well no sooner did I say that and Norm said hey Sawyer is eating the cat food. Lilly knoked the can off the counter and Sawyer got it all over the place. Yuk.